The university being located in the upland hilly area of new state of Uttarkhand has made all out efforts to serve the educational needs of the socially and economically weak region. It has developed some highly recognized centers of scientific and social researches specifically in the areas of bio-diversity, bio-active principles contained in the Himalayan herbs and other plants, unique ecosystems, minerals, rocks and other geological structures that shape mountain environment and tradition, culture and human adaptation strategies in response to the need and constraints imposed by these massive mountain regions and working environment conducive to think about particles, spectra and structure of matter. Identification of the departments of Physics, Chemistry and Geology for DSA and CONSIST under Special Assistance Programme of the University Grants Commission, FIST programme in four departments (Geology, Botany, Forestry at DSB Campus, Nainital and Geography at SSJ Campus, Almora), Identification of Department of Physics as Centre of Excellence by the State, Department of Geography for Setting up Centre of Excellence for NRDMS in Uttarakhand by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, winning of two Bhatnagar awards and numerous other national and international awards and two FNAs in our university speak of its achievements.
This is the official website of the Kumaun University Nainital. All documents, Departmental profiles, tender documents, results and other information pertaining University, its administrative officers and activities are uploaded and modified on regular basis. It has been brought to the notice of the University authorities that some other sites bearing the name of Kumaun University are also functional and are providing incomplete, wrong or fictitious information regarding Kumaun University. It is brought to the notice of all visitors of the University website that if they gather any wrong or fictitious information from any other website and act accordingly then it will be their sole responsibility and as a matter of fact they will not have any claim of any type. The results of the University are also available at http://
List of candidates for the award of medals in convocation 2011.
B.A.I and M.A.II Education, Psychology Result 2011.
B.A.I and M.A.I Eco, Hindi, Pol Science Result 2011.
B.A.I and M.A.II Hindi Result 2011.
M.A. II Sociology, M.A. II Drg. & M.A. II Home Science Result 2011.
M.A.II English and M.A.I Sociology Result 2011.
RFP for digitization of library.
Tender for library.
M.A II Political Science result 2011.
B.Sc I and M.A II Sanskrit result 2011.
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