Bhavnagar University has grown both qualitatively and quantitatively over the years. The programmes offered both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels are divers and have made strong marks of recognition. Bhavnagar University plans to continue to respond creatively to the considerable challenges of our time, whether it is building the knowledge workforce of the future, collaborating on research on national security or providing solutions for sustainable business practice. The recognition of the need for a balanced and comprehensive view of higher education as a holistic system that includes not only the human capital contribution of tertiary education but also its critical humanistic and social capital building dimensions and its role as an important global public good has been well incorporated in the vision and mission of Bhavnagar University. |
| Bhavnagar University in the retrospect has made strong endeavours to contribute in social and economic development through the advancement and application of knowledge and shall continue to do the same in future also. The role of higher education is necessary for the effective creation, dissemination, and application of knowledge and for building technical and professional capacity and this is well reflected in the development policy of the University. Bhavnagar University is following the pragmatic footsteps to impart the best in a highly competitive economy by adequately preparing to capitalize on the creation and use of knowledge. It has planned to put in place an enabling framework that encourages its all institutions to be more innovative and more responsive to the need of a globally competitive knowledge economy and to the changing labour market requirement for advanced human capital.
University plans to enhance its canvas of programmes and its quality through the visionary recommendations of NAAC and other eminent experts. We plan to expand our coverage in a sustainable way while enhancing equalities of access and outcomes, quality and relevance, and effective governance structures and management practices.
This University website is in continuation of our efforts to extend information to the concerned stakeholders regarding the university, its affiliated institutions, programmes and the staff associated with them.
The contribution of the University faculty, administrative staff and student in imbibing the true academic values and enhancing the academic ethics has been immense.
I on behalf of the university fraternity, look forward to the constructive cooperation and assistance of all associated with it in various capacities as stakeholders for the development of Bhavnagar University. | | |
| Date: 03-12-2010 | Prof. J. P. Maiyani |
| Bhavnagar | Acting Vice Chancellor | |
I B.D.S. (Manubhai Patel Dental College) Exam Result May 2011
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